Structuring Your 60 Seconds for More Referrals

Structuring Your 60 Seconds for More Referrals

We are all busy people and sometime we have to make up our 60 seconds on the spot, tell a story or just wing it.

While that can be effective and entertaining there is often a lot of merit in preparing and structuring your 60 seconds to help get more referrals.

The following structure is a useful one for visitor’s days, when you are with a group of new people or just want to reiterate to your regular group what you are looking for.

1. Start with your name, company and what you so? –Approx 10 second

2. Explain why other members can refer you with confidence – Approx 15 seconds – talk about testimonials, referrals and why your offer stands out.

3. What should other members listen for and what should be their response? – Approx 20 seconds – this helps your fellow members keep their eyes open for referrals and tells them what to do.

4. Explain who your target clients are? Approx 10 seconds– this helps your fellow members to help you find the right kind of referrals

5. Repeat your name, company and memory hook – 5 seconds max – this reinforces your brand and more importantly your value proposition – in other words sizzle not sausage.

Having written this “perfect pitch” don’t be afraid to use it for other meetings, on social media or even re-use parts of it as an “elevator pitch” when someone asks you what your business is.